
Saturday, October 11, 2008

How to tell if you live next door to us.

1. You find golf practice balls in your shrubbery and on your roof.
2. You know all the riffs to Sweet Home Alabama as heard through a Stratocaster Jr.
3. You have woken to see naked children jumping on a trampoline over the fence.
4. You have been attacked by water balloons while relaxing on your patio.
5. You have heard polka music wafting over the sounds of a family reunion.
6. You have helped carry a keg up the steps for a family reunion.
7. You have seen a bulldog sleeping on the back of a sofa like a 50 pound cat.
8. You know that Labor Day weekend there will be a CSU Rams flag flying proudly even when the CSU Rams suck, because there’s just no reason to like the Buffs even if they're better.
9a. You can tell what hunting season it is by what type of camouflage is drying outside.
9b. You can tell it’s early bow hunting season if the lawn is being mowed by a girl.
10. You’ve had children offer to exterminate pesky pigeons /squirrels/ mice / racoons for you with a Red Ryder BB gun.
11. You have at least one window with a pockmark from a Red Ryder BB gun.


  1. Found your blog from Lindsey's Nashville paper comments, and enjoy reading! And, although I've moved to Idaho from Colorado, I am a true, green-blooded CSU Ram and agree heartily with you! Even on a bad day, I'd watch the Rams versus the BYU crap we get all the time up here! And thank God someone else has boys like mine, I'm going crazy with the testosterone poisioning!

  2. Found your blog from Lindsey's Nashville paper comments, and enjoy reading! And, although I've moved to Idaho from Colorado, I am a true, green-blooded CSU Ram and agree heartily with you! Even on a bad day, I'd watch the Rams versus the BYU crap we get all the time up here! And thank God someone else has boys like mine, I'm going crazy with the testosterone poisioning!

  3. Thanks, Katie! GO RAMMIES! I don't think I could live in BYU country. They'd kick me out.



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