
Monday, March 29, 2010

How I know that I'm officially a grown up now. Either that or I maybe need to buy a ThighMaster.

The schwipzipzip of my corduroy pants is more irritating than interesting.


  1. I read this and was inspired to write a whole 35 chapter book and on the way to the publisher i spilt on so gum that someone spit out

  2. I love that noise! Well..I love to be reminded of it occasionally. Not by my 5 year old boy that has pants that he can make make that noise if he walks just so. schwipzipzip schwipzipzip schwipzipzip schwipzipzip schwipzipzip all around the kitchen in circles, faster and faster while I am making dinner. That's enough to make me take off my own finger. But one single schwipzipzip really is a lovely.

  3. I know I'm old because one of my co-workers keeps his Altoid tin in his front pocket and the noise when he walks drives me batty. Isn't unwarranted rage a sign of early onset senility?



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